Are you going to move house (yourself) and do you need moving boxes?
At Derksen Removals you can also get moving boxes. As professional movers, we can give you good advice on the choice of moving boxes.
Type of moving boxes
Autolock moving boxes can be used without tape; you put them up in one move. That is usually very convenient. Due to their construction, these moving boxes are normally more expensive to buy. American folding boxes have a folding bottom, which you have to seal with tape.
Quality moving boxes
There are different types of cardboard quality on the market. Kraft quality is the strongest type of cardboard, so a moving box is much less likely to tear and can hold more pounds. You can recognise this quality by the colour. Kraft kwaliteit heeft een echte bruine kleur.
Weight of moving box
Do not make a moving box too heavy. An average moving box weighs 7 to 10 kg. Doe dus niet teveel spullen in een verhuisdoos, anders zijn ze niet meer te tillen. If a moving box is heavy, be sensible and tape the bottom shut again, so that the bottom cannot tear. And do not lift the moving box by the handles, but support it at the bottom.
Also provide heavier packing options and put heavy or fragile items, such as cutlery, crockery, porcelain or books, in more suitable packaging. We will be happy to advise you further on this!